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To Be Emotional or Not To Be


Why do people fail in their job search even though they have always been the best student and worker and have a high Intellectual Quotient? Why people are bad networkers even though they read my books about Networking? The reason for that could be a lack of emotional intelligence.


Do you know that hiring managers value emotional intelligence more than IQ? Employers said they are placing greater focus on emotional intelligence when hiring and promoting people. They would not hire someone who has a high IQ but low EI. And they are right! Daniel Goleman explains emotional Intelligence (EI) in his best-seller “Emotional Intelligence” as a general assessment of a person’s abilities to control emotions, to sense, understand and react to others’ emotions, and manage relationships. A CareerBuilder research conducted among more than 2600 hiring managers and human resource professionals tells us that EI is a critical characteristic for landing a job, developing a strong network and advancing one’s career. When asked why emotional intelligence is more important than high IQ, employers said:


  • Managers with high EI are more likely to stay calm under pressure
  • They know how to resolve conflict effectively
  • They are empathetic to their team members and react accordingly
  • They lead by example
  • They tend to make more thoughtful business decisions


In today’s highly competitive job market, employers are able to look more closely at the emotional intelligence level of candidates because they can choose from a range of similarly qualified candidates. The following behaviors and qualities reveal people with a high EI:


  • They admit and learn from their mistakes
  • They can keep emotions in check and have thoughtful discussions on tough issues
  • They listen as much or more than they talk
  • They accept criticism
  • They show grace under pressure
  • They better network with other people


This means that people with a high EI are also potentially good leaders and are thus very welcome new recruits. A test can help you find out your level of EI and if you need to work on it: the BaRon test. Let’s finish with good news: if you can’t increase your IQ, you can improve your emotional intelligence!



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